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The cookbook for children in lockdown

Cookery and it's limitless ability to reduce anxiety and boost confidence


It’s April 2020 and Covid-19 is now a pandemic across the globe.


Our lives have stopped.  Grounded.  We live in the unknown.  


What will be? When will it end?

How will I cope?

How am I supposed to entertain my children?!


Whilst Covid-19 wrecks havoc on our physical health it is also attacking our mental health. 


Our own anxieties are increased and yet we have to be careful in how we express them in order not to fuel our children's anxiety.  This is a very challenging time for us all.  


The WHO stresses the benefits of helping children find ways to express themselves through creative activities, that help counteract the impact of anxiety.  Learning how to cook is one such activity.


The Cookbook for Children in Lockdown is a fun, interactive, confidence building tool that is suitable for all ages during these crazy times providing an education that will be valuable and remembered for years to come. 


It provides a platform through which to practice maths, reading and writing skills, focusing on fine motor and concentration development.


Most importantly The Cookbook for Children in Lockdown provides children with the the opportunity to consider what they like and dislike.  The development of self-expression plays a crucial part in anxiety management in children. 

Use it in peace and good health and may we all be blessed to overcome this very challenging time.


With much love,

Deborah French 

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