Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

Understanding anxiety
Anxiety is a complicated matter.
On the one hand we hear that anxiety is ‘good’ for us.
On the other we hear that anxiety is ‘bad’ for us.
So which is it? Good or bad?
Well actually both answers are correct.
Anxiety disorders are fuelled by negative patterns of thinking and poor behavioural choices.
We avoid facing the truth about how we really feel in the hope that if we don't acknowledge it; it's not real. Unfortunately the reality is exactly the opposite. We end up feeling worse.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most proven effective tool for treating anxiety disorders. By identifying, challenging and re-framing these negative thoughts and beliefs we have the chance to take steps to reduce avoidance and learn how to face our fear.
…If you change the way you think, you can change the way you feel.
Good Anxiety
Bad Anxiety
✔Acts as our own inbuilt warning system
✔ Keeps us safe in times of danger
✔ Releases adrenalin and cortisol hormones increasing:
● Heart rate
● Blood pressure
● Energy levels
● Control over nonessential function
Preparing our body to survive the danger
✔ The stress response only lasts 15 minutes and allows our body to resume regular activities
✘ We have a tendency to overestimate probability and severity of bad things happening in our day-to-day lives
✘ Our body naturally activates our inbuilt
warning system; keeping it turned on.
✘ Long term activation and overexposure to adrenaline and cortisol hormones
= disrupts almost all our body’s processes
✘ Increased risk of health issues:
● Anxiety disorders and depression
● Migraines, sleep problems and weight gain
● Heart disease and digestive problems
● Memory and concentration impairment
✘ We adopt avoidance behaviours, compulsive rituals and safety behaviours to 'escape' anxiety
✘ Never get to find out that these situations are not nearly as dangerous as perceived